
Robin Greenfield, Activist, Teacher, Healer

Robin Greenfield is a servant of Earth, humanity and the plants and animals we share this home with. He follows an action-based philosophy of life, service and activism. First and foremost, he seeks to be the change he wishes to see in the world through an intentional life design of simple and sustainable living. He lives simply as a means of resistance to oppressive, exploitative systems and the dominator culture. Equal Rights for All – Earth, Humans, Plants and Animals. At his core, Robin's dedicated to incorporating community, diversity & biodiversity into all the solutions he brings to the world. He sees community as the root healing to all of our societal problems. He sees diversity & biodiversity as the core means to create a more equitable and just society and a more harmonious life on Earth for all. He embraces and celebrates diversity as one of the key components to our liberation as a humanity. 


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